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في تصنيف حلول بواسطة (2.5مليون نقاط)

the most widespread way to communicate with people is the telegraph :

مرحبا بكم في موقع مناهل العـلـم الباحثين عن الإجابة النموذجية للسؤال التالي: the most widespread way to communicate with people is the telegraph بيت العلم.

نتشرف أعزاءنا الزوار طلاب وطالبات جميع المستويات الدراسية بزيارتكم وثقتكم بنا وأختيار منصتنا التعليمية الذي تحوي على كوكبة من المعلمين الأكفاء لنطرح بين أيديكم حل سؤال:

the most widespread way to communicate with people is the telegraph صح ام خطأ ؟ مطلوب الإجابة (نقطة واحدة).

كما يقدم موقع ”مناهل العـلـم“ حلول الواجبات المدرسية اليومية والاختبارات الدراسية مواكباً لكم خطوة بخطوة؛ ونقدم لكم حلاً نموذجياً للسؤال الذي يقول:

the most widespread way to communicate with people is the telegraph ؟

الحل الصحيح هو:

خطأ، العبارة خاطئة.

Actually, the statement that the most widespread way to communicate with people is the telegraph is incorrect. The telegraph was indeed a significant development in communication during the 19th century, but it was eventually surpassed by other forms of communication.

In fact, the telegraph was widely used from the mid-19th century until the early 20th century. It allowed people to send messages over long distances using Morse code. However, with the invention of the telephone in the late 19th century, communication became more immediate and personal. The telephone quickly became a preferred method of communication, as it allowed people to have real-time conversations.

Furthermore, the advent of the internet and digital technologies in the late 20th century revolutionized communication once again. Email, instant messaging, and social media platforms have become the primary means of communication for many people worldwide. These platforms allow for instant and global communication, breaking down barriers of distance and time.

So, while the telegraph was indeed a significant communication tool in its time, it has been surpassed by more advanced technologies that provide greater speed, convenience, and versatility in communication.

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the most widespread way to communicate with people is the telegraph

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